
All posts tagged activities

Me time

Published April 29, 2013 by keya82

Despite having a public holiday last Thursday for ANZAC Day, I have planned leave from with for this Thursday, Friday and Monday. I’m not going anywhere. I just wanted to have some ‘me time’.

Sometimes the 9-5 (or in my case 8-4, 9-5, 10-6 weekly rotating roster) gets too busy and I really wanted to spend some time not being at work. I do have some house things I want to do, but I told my boyfriend to take some time too so we can spend some quality time.

Me time is very important to me. I want to rejuvenate myself, get our study organized and do more active things. I also want to start doing more regular couple type things to invest in my relationship.

I need to find ways to get these things done during a normal week, but for now I have settled to planning for the time I have taken off instead!

House things I need to do:
-Call electricity company
-Rearrange study
-Vacuum (I could’ve done this on the weekend but didn’t)
-Choose Internet provider and set up home Internet
-Cajole boyfriend into confirming a day for hanging our curtains and mounting some pictures on the walls

Couple stuff I want to do:
-Picnic at national park (row boat hire optional)
-Visit the zoo
– See a movie
-Take photos of us doing couply things
-Have a cafe breakfast

Other things I want to do:
-Try my local gym at least twice between Thursday & Monday
-Use my cross trainer at least 3 times between Thursday & Monday
-Sleep in
-Eat clean dinners
-Bake chocolate brownies
-Finish reading ‘how to win friends and influence people’
-Watch some of the movies from my childhood
-Clear out old clothes, shoes, accessories etc & donate them to charity
-Do a home pedicure

Hopefully I will get these things done and more! I have a bad habit of making plans like this then completely ignoring them.
Feel free to suggest any other ‘me time’ ideas, or even ideas to better follow through on plans, that work for you!

A x
