
All posts tagged exercise

Size 12? Yes please!

Published November 4, 2012 by keya82

Yesterday I had a huge huge win. I had seen an outfit I liked online and went to go try it on. The peacock blue pants I really liked in size 14 were a little baggy. I have been between sizes before. In fact when I started I was between 14 and 16 which was depressing as I have maintained the 14 size for so long (10 years). When I grew out of 14 standard I started to get worried, and to get motivated.
So we are just ending week 10 and these size 14 pants were fitting but just that little bit loose. So for an experiment I grabbed the size 12 and tried them on. And they fit! No muffin tops, no camel toe, no cellulite shining through the fitted material. They just fitted firmly.
I have not been able to wear size 12 pants in longer than I can remember! I fluctuate generally but my upper body allows sometimes size 10 – size 14/16 at the worst – generally L or XL due to my F sized boobs. But I had to buy the outfit with the top in small, and the pants were size 12 which was good enough for me!
So much so that for date night/ treat meal we went and got ribs. This made the pants a bit tighter but I will work that off in no time! 


Now I’m not unreaslistic. I realise it could be a ‘giving’ fit and that certain styles will be more likely to fit a larger size than a smaller one. I also know not all size 12 pants will now magically fit. But this is the first solid dress size change that improves on the weight I was last year or the years before really. This has not been possible for so long I don’t remember the last time I tried on a size 12 pair of pants. With muscular, solid thighs and the current trend of skinny jeans I have given up on finding pants that suit me. And now, I have realised that door is now open to me again and I find that unbelievably exciting!

This program really works and has been a life changing experience for me! Thanks Mish!



12WBT Progress Tracker

Injury, Doctors and Physio… Oh my!

Published November 4, 2012 by keya82

So before this Round began I had a niggling knee issue. The back of my left knee would swell and be tender and sore for no reason. I felt sometimes that bending my knee (for walking, stairs, sitting, standing up) could result in my knee giving way.
When I was a kid I had a set GP, he was seeing me since I was born and I saw him until I was about 20 when I moved out of the area, and also didn’t like his repeated suggestions of exercising more. Over the next 10 years I began to see a GP regularly then would move, get a new GP and start all over again. In hindsight I wish I had continued with my childhood GP so all my medical history could be in one place. Over time I found 2 GPs that I saw on a regular basis, one in Leichhardt which was always busy and up to 1.5 hours wait time some days, and the other in North Strathfield which was rarely longer than 30 min wait but was much further away.
When my knee began to hurt I saw me Gp who I will call Dr Know (because he had natural and knowledgable solutions for everything – even pressure points in the feet for migraines). I saw Dr Know and got referred for an xray & ultrasound. Neither showed anything! Curious and curiouser. My knee stopped being as tender and settled into just being randomly sore. I decided to continue with my 12WBT dreams and get into the program.

Round 3 began and I was doing my fitness tests for week 1 & then week 4 and trying to run laps at my local oval. The knee had settled down a little and was rarely throbbing – just uncomfortable so determined as I was I continued to train, and just had my boyfriend massage the knee at times and rub in Voltarin gel to alleviate the discomfort. When it began to play up again realised it would be better to avoid wait times and went back to North Strathfield Medical and saw my regular doctor there, who I will call Dr Funny. I like Dr Funny as he jokes and flirts with me and reassures me on the simplest and most cost effective ways to treat anything that ails me. He told me not to worry about my knee and that any diagnosis would be expensive, just to continue with my weight-loss & health journey and see a physiotherapist.

Around this time I was at work and my knee began to swell and become uncomfortable again. I saw a GP in the Hornsby area who I will call Dr Asshole (after moving recently I didn’t see my regular GP) who told me to lose weight and that I had arthritis in the knee… Now let me just be clear in saying that this doctor DID NOT EVEN LOOK AT/ TOUCH MY KNEE! He recommended a week of rest (no work) and weight loss (he didn’t weigh me either). After telling him he had given me the worst experience with a GP ever , I took the week of rest (using half my annual sick days) and began to feel a bit better.

I continued my search to track down the cause of my discomfort and did physio or massage when it was really inflamed. My boyfriend continued with the massage and Voltarin and I located a physiotherapist and began getting treatment. They were also at a loss for what it was. They gave me stretches and suggested seeing a Sports Physician, however when I contacted the one they referred he no longer took new patients.

So I put that on hold, using the physio to treat my pain and continued to train. When the throbbing next returned I traveled back to my old GP centre for advice – but instead of my regular GP -I saw a different GP in the centre – Dr Serious – and he reviewed by x-ray & ultrasound and referred me to get an MRI. He was knowledgable and inspired confidence – he may not be funny but he seemed effective. At $250 a pop I had a lot of hope to getting a diagnosis from this, although I saved up before getting it done.

I joined up at my local gym and got a PT that I am now seeing fortnightly but initially saw weekly. He set me up training on large muscle groups that would not aggravate my knee. Eventually I got the MRI scan and the results and went to the old GP office to get the results. Dr Serious who referred me for the MRi was not on that day so as I wanted to get the results on the weekend I opted to see my regular GP. Dr Funny read the diagnosis, and summarised that the report said I had Illiotibial Band Friction Syndrome, and that the results indicate a cortisone shot with dye would confirm the diagnosis as well as treat the issue. He then told me that it would be better to refer me to see a sports physician rather than going straight to cortisone/steroid shots.

Despite knowing Dr Funny can be a bit lax with the details, I trusted this and left with my referral. I had not thought to ask about how one would get cortisone shots or what would be involved, but instead felt reassured I had been given the best solution. Until I called to make an appointment and they advised it was $170-$200 as the sports physician is a specialist doctor. Dammit!! I called the doctors office to ask about the cortisone shot option but was advised to leave a message and they would get back to me. That was a week ago now.

It just goes to show that GPs can either be really good or really bad. My old favourite doctor, Dr Funny was cool – but ultimately not that helpful or good at outlining all possible options. He downplayed areas which were important for me to understand – and while seeing him was not unpleasant it resulted in needed several followups to get info not provided.
Dr Asshole is apparently renound in our area for being mean, rude and blunt with patients. I considered making a formal complaint to the advisory board, but in the end I just will never see him again. In fact this is why I still would rather drive 30 mins to my old GP office.
Dr Serious I have only seen that one time and I would be happy to continue seeing him if not for the 30 min drive and the fact that I would need to see Dr Funny while in the waiting room and risk offending him for no longer visiting.
Sigh the trials of being a patient.

Now I think I will get a local doctor, identify my options with treating/ further diagnosing the injury, going back to Physio now i have knowledge of the issue, and working with my PT to avoid aggravating it during training.

A 60 minute workout is only 4% of your day! No excuses!

12WBT Progress Tracker



Have you lost weight?

Published September 20, 2012 by keya82

12WBT Progress Tracker

This transformation has been in place formally for 4 weeks. This is mini milestone week: redo the fitness test, redo the measurements, and complete a mini milestone.

My mini milestone had originally been planned as participating in the 3.5km Sydney Harbour Bridge fun run as part of Sydney Running Festival last Sunday. After some high impact classes (especially Body Attack!) I had strained my left knee and could hardly walk, let alone run. I didn’t have a back up plan.

This is ok though. For me my mini milestone was more of a mental change then a physical output result. For the first time in my entire life I answered this question honestly and factually without pride, envy, self consciousness, self inflated ego, or arrogance. When I was asked ‘Hey have you lost weight?’ I said ‘Yes, I have’. I didn’t add anything else; no reasons or justifications or self depreciating comments like ‘I’m sure I’ll put it on again next month..ha ha’. Just simple agreement that I had in fact lost some weight.

This may seem like no big deal but to me this is a mental transformation of EPIC proportions! I wasn’t trying to be nonchalant, I just was. I have been working hard to stick to this and with my injury, being active  has been really hard so I have been sticking even closer to the diet, and it’s working.

Sometimes when asked something like that I feel like a faker: either I haven’t lost weight and feel I don’t deserve the compliment or have lost weight & assume that I must’ve been really awfully fat before!
At the end of today after this I feel like this is such a big deal for me to have not battled any demon thoughts at all that I consider that to be a major milestone!

After losing what I consider to be ‘only’ 4.5kg it’s nice that a difference is visible. It’s nice that my work pants are looser. It’s nice that my tops are fitting better again. It’s nice how my skin has began to glow from all the fresh food and activity. And it’s nice that I love the food and am really finding this change to be easy with a bit of planning for cooking and training.

I’m proud of the achievement but also just happy that it’s not this big mystery anymore. It’s not rocket science, it’s not a conspiracy or a trick, it’s not bad genes. It’s just eating good fresh food, learning the right quantities of each meal (portions) and getting active.

Yes I have lost weight. And I’ve also lost that voice in my heard telling me I can’t, I’m not and I shouldn’t!


Telling the brain to get f*cked!

Published September 6, 2012 by keya82

Lost another kg this week. 2 down, 18 to go! I have to say I was initially disappointed. But I am not unrealistic, I know this week has been an adjustment to fitting this into my life, especially when life throws  tough sh*t at you. On Tuesday morning I completed my first morning jog/walk. 20 mins: 180 cal: around 1km. This felt like 2 hours: 1000 cal : 5km! I’m told it gets easier. I felt very weak minded in the morning in comparison to weekend or evening workouts. I was dying feeling like my lungs would explode and take my thighs out too, only to check my hrm and it had been only 5 mins! 

Last night was better. My amazing boyfriend had done the incredible while I was working till 6pm; he cleaned, cooked and greeted me with news that I had plenty of time to workout while he finished dinner. So I went to the local oval, alone. The flood lights were all on, illuminating the oval and the running track. A nice warm breeze was stronger across the oval which made me feel like I was making a major change by being there. By myself. To run. The local personal trainer group were finishing up. It was 7:30pm. I was going to try Michelle’s learn to run program. 20 mins run 30-60sec then walk it off for 1:30 and repeat. I set my music up on my Dre Beats, detanged the long cable, stretched and warmed up. I chose Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes. As the song began I started to jog….

And all the floodlights went off! Darkness. I stopped running and let my eyes start to adjust. My thoughts were; ‘well you tried’. Then I began to see the track. And took a deep breath, restarted the track and began to run!

 I’m not romanticizing this. Each interval was hard. I had a selection of fast paced tracks of varying genres: drum & bass, rock, punk, dance, even 80s pop! Anything with the right beat. After my 20th minute and my last run interval I went hard out and finished strong. Then I slowly worked through the rest of the program for outdoor intermediate. Each new thing I started I wanted to stop, the burpees. Omg I wanted to quit after each one! I hate them!!!

Hey I said to myself. That’s enough for today. 4 out of 15 will do. Aim to beat it next time. Then I did another one and the cycle continued. I finished it all in around 50 mins. The mental barriers I crossed though were like 20ft barbed wire fences separating me from success. 

In the end I did 6 laps in intervals, 2.4km. Plus 15 burpees, 15 squat jumps, 16 tricep dips, 15 push ups (all on knees sadly), 25  ice skaters an stretched it all out. 475 cal with max hr of 170, avg 130. 

Michelle recommends an average of 500-800 cal if you are under 100kgs. I’ll admit, my negative brain was disappointed. All that success & my brain said “You know, you really could’ve run harder than that”. You’ll be happy to know I told it to get f*cked!! I did it!!! Now I’ve done the full daily program in full once, I can do it again, and do it better.

Life goes on around me but I know I just need to make this happen. For me. For my health. For my confidence. For my future.